
The definition of an asylum seeker, or someone seeking asylum, is a person who has left their country, often suddenly, because they are faced with persecution, war or violence and cannot get protection there.

At Albany Solicitors, we are proud of our track record in helping people find a safe haven in the UK.  We assist and represent asylum seeking clients from all over the world at all legal stages from Interviews to Appeals.

Our team at Albany Solicitors is extremely experienced and knowledgeable and can provide in-depth knowledge to advise and represent on Asylum and Human Rights matters. We can help you in all aspects of your asylum claim or in preparing and submitting a fresh asylum claim.

We provide advice on a one-to-one basis and advice is always tailored to the specific needs of our 

We provide advice on a one-to-one basis and advice is always tailored to the specific needs of our client.

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